Protect shopping mall, showroom, supermarket!
Currently in Vietnam there are many office buildings and luxurious investment is operated by the management company of foreign real estate management according to certain standards, so the quality of service for them is love leading players in the quality of service that protects always been focused and closely monitored.
Apartment building was the venue for the operation of office blocks and residential buildings live so security issues are always complex issues by apartment buildings crowded with passing vehicles and many people living in buildings with many different strata so service quality should always be enhanced to cater to all types.
Supermarkets which provide a variety of goods for consumers so the security work to control goods must always be done strictly and properly process to ensure no loss of goods in supermarkets.
Trade Centre was the venue for many activities exhibited by many trading shops, various companies and also the site of many royal procurement of large quantities of many different customer sectors working together so security is always closely followed to ensure the operation of shopping centers are going normally.
Currently a lot of this kind of shop business expansion styled multi-store system business and type of item so protection also follow the spread of stores at different locations on base security for the store on the media in and out of store assets.
Showroom is the place where the operation display products and sales of the business so the protection associated with the image of the showroom to make an impression in the eyes of clients should operate daily protection always featured.